The “Improvisation For Life” Workshop Certification Program

Now Accepting Students For Fall 2020!

Save The Date: Live Training Weekend is October 10 - 12!

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This is the Certification you’ve been waiting for:

You’re creative, you know you have something to teach, and you want to make the world a better place.

Join Katie and students from all over the country in building a highly profitable business leading the

“Improvisation For Life” Workshops & Retreats.

After 20 years of teaching these creative, fun and inspiring workshops, I know that they matter. People come back to do them again and again. I see the excitement the retreat participants get out of it as they learn about themselves, see their potential, and connect with others. I hear incredible feedback about how this work changed their lives. So… I want to allow for more people to experience it!
— Katie Goodman

Is This Certification Right For Me?



You want to coach people. You know you are good with people who are going through transitions, and you know something about life. You want to help. But it’s hard to know exactly how to create a retreat or workshop. And it’s even waaaaay harder to know how to create a business that supports you in doing this work you crave.

That’s where we come in. You will be trained in creating your workshop, using either Katie’s format or your own content. Katie has 20 years experience and has taught 10,000 people how to use the tools of improv in every day life. She knows how to work with a group. She knows how to command a room, and how to lead people into finding their potential. She also knows how to deal with difficult things that can come up. She will teach you how to manage a group, change your plan on the fly when things don’t go as you’d expected, and she will help you learn to inspire people to make the most of their lives and fill them with meaning and purpose.

And you will learn how to make a living at this!


If you are a fan of Katie’s “Improvisation For Life” workshop/retreat, Katie’s podcasts, book, or her speaking, then you know Katie’s coaching is for you. You will be certified in teaching these workshops with your own twist.


If you want to be coached to create your own workshop and retreat — perhaps one using another kind of improvised art — Katie will coach you to create your own retreat and will lead you to get your business up and running and profitable.


How Will Katie’s Coaching Lead You To Create A Profitable Business You Love?

Katie Goodman - Comedian (Photo Credit_ Shirin Tinati).jpg

Katie will work with you to:

  • Discover your top 5 feelings you want to have in your life and align your business so your life is satisfying, secure, meaningful and fun

  • Discover your super powers and make sure your business uses them to your advantage

  • Verbalize exactly how you want to enhance the world and people’s lives through your workshop

  • Figure out where you get stuck in business and how to break through blocks so you're never hung up again

  • Make sure you are headed toward goals that are authentically YOU rather than what society or someone else has told you you should want for your career

  • Gag Your Obnoxious Inner Critic and retrain it as a helpful Inner Coach!
    Understand your financial goals and have specific, actionable, measurable plans

  • Learn how to find your perfect client who not only wants to work with you, but who YOU want to work with!

  • Be a Marketing Maven! Learn what it took us over 15 years to learn -- so you don't have to! Thank goodness, right?? No reinventing the wheel any more! We will teach you what you need to know!

  • Be a badass in business! Do the things you rock at and decide when to hire other people in certain areas so you don't waste your time or drive yourself crazy.

  • Love, love, love your work!

She’s got the resume, experience and talent to impress... but what makes Katie so special is how much she really cares about you and your success. She knows how to connect meaningfully to support, guide and encourage you. She’s bright, uplifting and a ton of fun to work with! Katie herself is the secret sauce that makes this program gold. I feel so lucky to have her in my corner!
Katie Goodman Improvisation For Life Workshop Certification Course Students Having Fun And Learning
Katie Goodman Improvisation For Life Workshop Certification Course Students Having Fun And Learning
Katie is a powerhouse, wrapped in a dynamo, wrapped in a comedian, wrapped in an experienced entrepreneur, wrapped in a generous, kind, nurturing and real person. In other words, she is exactly who you want by your side as you make a life change, or a career change and forge a new path. THIS is the certification you want!

What Training Does The Certification Program Give Me?

  • 1 LIVE 3-DAY TRAINING in New York. This includes learning to create and teach the workshop itself, as well as training on your business strategy.

  • 1 retreat as a participant

  • 4 1-hour private personal life coaching and entrepreneurial training sessions from Katie (one hour a month for 4 months), just for you alone to hone your skills and business strategy.

  • 4 group coaching sessions on developing your business (one per month, on Skype)

  • 1 practice workshop session.

  • 10 + weekly one hour live webinars on different topics including:

    • Networking

    • Pitching & Pricing

    • Website Design

    • Money Mindset Coaching

    • Social Media

    • Corporate vs. Private

    • Developing New Workshop Elements

    • Collaboration & Accountability Partners

    • Habits And Blocks

    • Scaling Your Business

  • A training package of materials to guide you both creatively in creating your workshop and to give you specific business training. This includes training on:

    • Marketing and PR

    • Business Strategy

    • Life Coaching

    • Creativity Coaching

    • Improvisation and Comedy Skills

    • Retreat Creation

  • Further Private follow-up coaching/training add-on sessions are optional after certification completed

 The Application Process


What do I do now?

  1. Download the application using the green button below.

  2. Email the application to

  3. Once we receive your application, we will schedule a phone call to see if this is right for you.

Katie is only taking on a small group of very dedicated students right now and we want to make sure this is right for you and that you are right for it. Katie will look at your application and have a talk with you on the phone before acceptance into the program.


$6,000 plus travel and lodging for live training and workshops. A payment plan for $1,500 per month is available.


  • Some comedy or theatre or improv or performance experience. Does NOT need to be extensive. We can teach you that part. This is so you know you like this art and will be excited to lead it.

  • An enthusiastic interest in life coaching and personal discovery. You do not need a background in coaching at all. That’s what Katie’s here for!



Do I have to be funny? Nope! Just playful!

Do I have to teach only women? Nope! Katie teaches co-ed workshops too.

Is this only for touchy feely yoga people? Nope! Katie teaches in both in the corporate sector and holistic worlds.

Will I make money as a certified Improvised Life Coach? That’s the idea! And that’s why we will focus on business but also Katie will coach you as an entrepreneur.

Do I have to become a life coach? Nope! You can also be the kind of retreat leader that just lets the games and interactions be enough. A fun retreat without the life coaching is also something people love.

What if it turns out I’m bad at this or don’t like it halfway through? If that happens, we will have a genuine conversation about what’s not working, and if this isn’t for you, then we will refund you. We don’t want people to waste time or money on something that isn’t a good fit. But we will try to come up with a version of the workshop that is a better fit for you which might solve the problem. Remember… Katie loves improv so coming up with something original together is what she’s all about!

What if I can’t travel to the designated training location on the specified dates? Katie will make sure the dates work for you before you sign up.

Will this be fun or hard? Both hopefully! But we’d rather use the word “challenging” or “exciting” than hard. But starting a new business is both exciting and also some work of course. Katie will help you stay on track and bust through any blocks you have. If it’s something you are excited to do, then this will enrich your life for sure!

Email Tana, Katie’s program director, to learn more or to schedule an appointment with Katie!

 The “Improvisation For Life” Corporate Certification
